
Safety Data Sheet - Reagents
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a document that contains information on the handling of chemical products, how to work safely with those products, potential hazards, and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE). It is crucial that you and your staff have been trained on the proper handling of your water treatment products. Below you will find the SDS for each product we sell. Please print, read, train accordingly, and post this SDS in the area where the chemical is stored and where it is used. Knowing what to do in the event of overexposure, a spill, or an accident occurs is of the utmost importance in the safe handling of these products. If you have any questions, contact your Clear Water Technologies representative.

Total Alkalinity Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRSA1555
     SDS CLRSA1595
     SDS CLRPH1605
     SDS CLRA16925
OH Alkalinity Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRHA6094

     SDS CLRHA6117

     SDS CLRBC2013

     SDS CLRPH1605

Org-P Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRAD1596

      SDS CLRAD1582

Chloride Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRSN3410

     SDS CLRPC8025

     SDS CLRPH1605

     SDS CLRSA1555

Total and Trace Hardness Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRED2064

     SDS CLRED2070

     SDS CLRHA7405

     SDS CLRHA7475

Nitrite Test Kit Instructions

     SDS CLRND2272

     SDS CLRFE3144


Individual Safety Data Sheets